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A Completed Entry Form consists of the following:

  1. User Profile Information
  2. An essay, written by the entrant, describing the thesis work and its implications for research in the selected Subject Track. The essay must not exceed 1,000 words in length and may include one figure or table. Text generated from AI, machine learning, or similar algorithmic tools cannot be used to generate the submission nor its accompanying figures, images, or graphics. Limited editing with tools such as Grammarly is acceptable but must be declared. During submission, entrants will be required to declare they have not used AI inconsistent with this requirement. Entrants are accountable for the accuracy of the entry and for ensuring that there is no plagiarism. They must also ensure that all sources are appropriately cited and should carefully review the work to guard against bias that may be introduced by AI. Editors may decline to consider an entry if AI is used inappropriately. 
  3. A one-page reference letter from your advisor or a member of your thesis committee. The letter should include an assessment of the applicant and comment on the significance of the applicant’s research.
  4. The abstract of the thesis (not to exceed four double-spaced typed pages).
  5. A list of the following:
    (a) Full citations of all published or in press papers on the research described in the essay;
    (b) Academic and professional awards and honors that the entrant has received; and
    (c) Relevant professional experience.

The Entry Form and additional submission materials must be submitted electronically through our prize-management system. 

The general timeline for the prize selection process is below. You will be contacted only if there are additional materials or information needed.

August–September: Compilation and Review of Submissions
October-November: Selection of Prize Winner
December: Announcement of Prize Winner & Awards Ceremony in Stockholm

Deadline for Submissions: July 15, 2024

Click Here to Register and Submit an Entry for the 2024 Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists